Our service dedicated to recurring payments is specially designed for managing subscriptions with automatic payments.
Whether your business collects subscriptions for content, newsletters, clubs or even recurring donations, our service allows you to save time and money in a few simple steps.
Using an automated recurring payment service is an economical way to accept payments supplied through a credit card or bank account. Our solution, which is easy and quick to incorporate into your website, allows you to offer your clients with an improved, fast, and secure purchase experience. On the vendor’s side, various features, such as a flexible and automated billing procedure, lets you become more efficient and productive.
Credit/debit cards accepted on a traditional POS terminal;
Completely secure transactions – you only have to request customer payment information once;
Keeps secure and contactless card information with your database;
Option to receive payments directly from customer accounts;
No monthly minimum required;
Easy installation;
Intuitive use
Our experts come to you and offer a complete follow-up throughout the partnership.
CONTACT US NOWWe negotiate rates and conditions among the lowest in the market for you.